FRequently asked questions


What is coaching?

In its simplest form, coaching is a conversation about you. The purpose of coaching is to feel like you are looking into a mirror that can ask you questions that you would never think to ask yourself. It’s for motivated individuals, those seeking change, and everyone in between. The goal is to break down barriers, discover untapped potential, and find your way back to yourself. Goals for a session can range from processing an event that happened, finding clarity on a conversation, setting a long term goal for a business, prepare for a future conversation, or decide what next steps to take in your life… the goals you set in a session can be whatever you want!

WHat is the difference between coaching and psychotherapy?

Therapy is meant to diagnose and assess a client’s dysfunctions, making it problem focused and usually involves medications. Coaching does not focus on psychological pain by diagnosing cognitive or emotional disorders. Therapy and Coaching are very similar as a result of the new phenonmenon which is talk therapy. Talk therapy is very similar to coaching. Coaching is focused on creating in an empowering way, being future focused which creates healing in a different way. Think of it as a more hands-on, uplifting, motivating option. If you’ve ever left therapy feeling stuck as a result of only focusing on the past and felt lost as to where to take the next steps, you would be a great candidate for coaching.

What makes coaching work?

Coaching is all about your own path that is carved out by you, because no one knows you better than yourself. The world is already full enough of systems and programs that tell us that they will make us more motivated, more successful, more desirable. What these systems lack is individuality and humanity. We are all miraculously unique with vastly different desires, hopes, and fears. Coaching is about finding ways to live your life in exactly the way that you want to- because one size does not fit all. It is not about fixing, it is about working with all of the tools that you already possess!

Can coaching be used alongside therapy?

Yes! A coach can work with a client’s therapist in a way that supports their goals. It can also be used instead of therapy as long as the client is looking for a more holistic and future focused program and is not looking for diagnosis!

Where can coaching occur?

Currently, Camino Pura Vida is only offering virtual coaching. However, the nature of coaching means it can be done absolutely anywhere! It can be done through a phone call, a video chat, or in person. Careful attention is paid to accessibility in order to ensure that all potential clients, including those with disabilities, can have the ability to access coaching.

What makes the holistic approach different?

The holistic mental health coaching approach means that care is paid to every single part of you. It also means that value is added to finding approaches that cater to you in non traditional ways. It caters to your unique physical, emotional, occupational, social, intellectual and spiritual aspects of your life.

What does a coach do?

A coach is there to listen, observe, and ask powerful questions in order to provoke solutions and strategies from their client. A coach can work with clients in an array of different areas such as career, stress relief, life, relationship, or health. Think of a coach as someone who will ask you the deeper questions, hold up a mirror to your inner mind, all the while cheering you on and bringing focus to your strengths!

“Coaches are trained to listen, to observe and to customize their approach to individual client needs. They seek to elicit solutions and strategies from the client; they believe the client is naturally creative and resourceful. The coach's job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that the client already has” - International Coach Federation